11 Dec 2019

Fashion...really ?

..or, I'm going to apply for a job in a circus, 
but right now I want to buy a proper nose for the job.

3 Dec 2019

Urban plague....

..by some stupid dog owners

2 Dec 2019


..not so long ago the coffee shops were places for socializing 

..maybe socializing with those who are not there ?

20 Nov 2019

The problem with "social media"....

..is that it works mostly as "social stupedia"

25 Aug 2019

Proud member of the *FFC....

*fuck facebook club

5 Aug 2019

27 Jun 2019

The hypocrites....

..the Berlin Wall was considered a hindrance to freedom and human rights.

..and is this one considered what ?

20 Jun 2019

"The Stupids" soon in a theater near you.....


..in Sweden, police investigations of rape against women....do not have top priority.

10 Jun 2019

Parabéns malta....

..the winners of the first Nations League

29 May 2019

Boris is a shameless liar....

“there will seldom be a more serious misconduct allegation against a member of parliament or mayor than to lie repeatedly to the voting public on a national and international platform, in order to win your desired outcome”.

Read the rest here

21 May 2019

Golden Visas of Europe....

..provides shelter for criminals and possible money laundering / tax evasion. That's a good European double moral....as usual.

11 Apr 2019

World Press Photo 2019....

"Crying Girl on the (US) Border" by John Moore, June 12, 2018

Her mother was searching for a better life.

10 Apr 2019

G7....No more Nasrins

"As concerned citizens from around the globe, we urge you to call for the release of Nasrin Sotoudeh in Iran, Loujain al-Hathloul in Saudi Arabia, and all other women’s right activists being imprisoned and abused around the world. We call on you to use your economic and diplomatic leverage to free these brave women and send a message to the world that women cannot be abused with impunity."

Sign the petition here:

30 Mar 2019

29 Mar 2019

20 Mar 2019

1 Mar 2019


Göteborg, Bio Capitol, anno 2019

Cinema sessions for dogs is now a reality in the city of Göteborg. Very hygienic for those who are going to use the same chairs later in the evening !? What´s next....libraries and bookshops for dogs ? 

26 Feb 2019

Money laundering....

..or "monkey business" by Scandinavian banks

15 Feb 2019



The recent photos were taken from the church tower with the devastation of dozens of old trees. A splendid example of local fake democracy....

11 Feb 2019

The (Not So) Neutrals of World War II

"The neutral states of World War II -- among them Switzerland, Sweden and Portugal -- composed their neutrality day after day"

''Sweden was not neutral, Sweden was weak,'' said Arne Ruth, a Swedish journalist who has written a book on the Third Reich. ''Its sales of iron ore made an important contribution to the German effort. It allowed German troops and weaponry through its territory to Norway. In 1943, its government told the central bank to ignore suspicions that German gold Sweden received was looted."


6 Feb 2019

I took my pet with me....

..and left my brain at home

31 Jan 2019

Shame on you....Sweden !

The Pandemrix vaccine Swedish health authorities used in 2009 to mass vaccinate the population, devastating 470 lives (mostly young persons) with the disease narcolepsy. The proposed indemnities to the affected is a mockery. So it is always with indemnities in this country. A bloody joke and a serious case of state arrogance....

17 Jan 2019

Just for the register....

A survey of the UK's Creative Industries Federation members has shown that 96 per cent are in favor of remaining in the European Union. The UK creative industries deliver a massive £84.1 billion to the British economy.

Read more here

This is 2019....

when women are still be treated like children....or property

3 Jan 2019

Many are voting for Messias.....

..and electing charlatans

23 Dec 2018

21 Dec 2018


..every time an unarmed person is killed by the swedish police authorities, nobody is ever guilty of anything. 

1 Nov 2018


How about....

.. more toilets, potable water, schools, hospitals, infrastructures - and less misery and poverty (370 million euros) ?

26 Oct 2018

Cheating Volkswagen....

Has been forced to buy back cars from the consumers in the US. The Europeans got a "no deal"....deal.

18 Oct 2018

2 Aug 2018

31 Jul 2018

"No Facebook, indignação, mas cautelas ao vivo!"

Depois da denúncia nas redes sociais, tem sido um dos assuntos do dia em França, como mostram as edições online dos jornais franceses (e o DN também fez eco): a estudante Marie Laguerre, de 22 anos, vinha pelo passeio e cruzou-se com um homem. Este disse-lhe qualquer coisa, ela respondeu, ele atirou-lhe com pequeno cinzeiro de esplanada, ela respondeu, ele foi atrás dela e deu-lhe uma bofetada que a fez levantar os pés do chão e esvoaçar os longos cabelos. Sabemos (vemos, sem palavras) tudo isto pelo vídeo que foi publicado pela agredida no Facebook. As imagens são da câmara de segurança que vigiava a esplanada do bar, em frente à qual a agressão foi feita.

Aconteceu a 24 de julho, ainda havia uma bandeira de França à porta do bar, pela vitória no Mundial de futebol. Foi no Boulevard de la Villette, no bairro XIX, do norte de Paris, onde é frequente as mulheres serem inquietadas por bocas machistas, e mais. Este caso tornou-se famoso quando Marie publicou um post no Facebook com as imagens. A repercussão pode ser medida pelas afirmações da secretária de Estado da Igualdade, Marlène Schiappa, que prometeu medidas mais duras contra as agressões verbais e físicas. Com especial atenção para bairros onde é necessário, disse a governante, fazer-se a "reconquista republicana" (leia-se, lugares onde o viver democrático, sobretudo os direitos das mulheres, não é respeitado).

A troca de palavras conhece-se pela versão da agredida; a agressão física é testemunhada pelas imagens. O abuso causou uma enorme comoção social, que se conta nas redes sociais, como se sabe, pelo número de partilhas, centenas de milhares neste caso. Mas eu quero trazer para aqui uma comoção menos partilhada. Possível de se ver - mas só vendo o vídeo, não basta olhar de soslaio e mais rapidamente clicando.

A câmara fixa mostra-nos o terraço durante 1,17 minutos. Na primeira dúzia de segundos, os dois protagonistas, o agressor e a agressora, nem ainda apareceram, vão cruzar-se logo de seguida no passeio. Aproveitemos parar a imagem para contar quem vai testemunhar a agressão: os clientes na esplanada. São 15 sentados nas mesas da esplanada e um outro cliente que vai sair do bar. Todos jovens, da mesma compleição do agressor, cinco mulheres e onze homens. Onze homens que parecem terem esquecido a bandeira à porta e o que onze homens podem fazer.

Avancemos para a sonora e brutal bofetada. Todos olham. Só um homem se levanta com vontade de fazer frente ao agressor, corre para ele com uma cadeira. Mais três se aproximam mas com gestos apaziguadores. O da cadeira hesita perante a falta de... de... como dizer?, falta de comoção viral. E todos deixam o agressor ir embora.

In Diário de Notícias 2017-07-31, by Ferreira Fernandes

Briefly....huge indignation in the virtual world....in reality; nobody did a shit !!

29 Jul 2018

This is also EU....

photo:  M. Lundmark

Here a Portuguese firefighting aircraft fetching water from the lake Vikern in order to combat a fire in the woods of Lockhyttan in Sweden.

18 Jul 2018

Fashion fascists....

The acclaimed fashion designers who inspire young women to destroy their bodies in this way...are no more than acclaimed cruel bastards.

4 Jul 2018

One of the best games of the 2018 World Cup....

..was the one between Japan and Belgium. And this is the Japanese locker room AFTER the game....clean and with a sign in Russian "thank you".

1 Jun 2018

Pandora will get back to you....soon !

Declared "war" to the neighbor on the south border already before elections....now to the neighbor on the north border. Are there no limits to stupidity...?

26 May 2018


"It seems that after long decades that the British have always wanted to be inside the EU with one foot out; it seems now the prospect is that they want to be outside the EU with one foot in".

..said by the Portuguese foreign minister.

19 May 2018