20 Dec 2019


..on the other side of the North Atlantic a kangaroo court is about to take place....more like "democracy" as entertainment for stupids.

Gangster Sweden....

After decades of immigration mainly by refugees from conflict zones, the Swedish authorities never understood that it is rather impossible for a second generation to accept the fate of being second class citizens. Residential areas with mainly immigrant residents, no jobs, dependence on the welfare system, and subsequent poverty - acting has a slow time bomb. The fruits of such a policy are now to be harvested in the shape of hard criminality. Was the result of the equation that difficult to predict...?

11 Dec 2019

Fashion...really ?

..or, I'm going to apply for a job in a circus, 
but right now I want to buy a proper nose for the job.

3 Dec 2019

Urban plague....

..by some stupid dog owners

2 Dec 2019


..not so long ago the coffee shops were places for socializing 

..maybe socializing with those who are not there ?