26 Sept 2024

Wanted despots and war criminals....

With a nuclear arsenal at their disposal and with no concerns about starting a (final) world war. When will the world wipe out this dangerous trash from the planet...?

22 Sept 2024

Zionist forces raid and shut down Al Jazeera bureau in occupied West Bank....

Pictures of slain (by the zionist) journalist Shireen Abu Akleh hang on the facade of the building housing the Al Jazeera office in Ramallah.

Another clear evidence of the zionist "modus operandi". Shutting down a journalism office on OCCUPIED land is good evidence of a non-democratic state. The zionist occupiers' desperation to control the narrative...so criminal, so pathetic, and so contra-productive.

So...to all the hypocrites and liars: what about the right to free speech and free press ? The "holy cows" of Western democracy ?

13 Sept 2024

The killing of peaceful civilians by the zionist occupiers....

Aysenur Ezgi Eygi - her life ended at 26

Zionist forces shot Eygi in the head on September 6 while she was protesting against an illegal israeli outpost in the Palestinian territory.....now, read again: 

Zionist forces shot Eygi in the head on September 6 while she was protesting against an illegal israeli outpost in the Palestinian territory.

Now...who are the terrorists ??

10 Sept 2024

The Swedish state media's never-ending coverage of the US election....

In a country where 99% of the population doesn't even know the name of the heads of state in neighboring countries like Norway, Denmark or Finland; and the subservient SVT and SR conduct is paid for every cent by tax-money. The dumbfounding US election is cheap entertainment for the perpetuation of stupidity.

1 Sept 2024

15 Aug 2024

The criminal pariah state of israhell goes on murdering civilians.....

40 000 + those under the rubble. 16 000 children among them (and those turned orphans, mutilated, traumatized for life). The planned collective starvation of an entire population. The world of hypocrites and liars keeps watching the cascade of war crimes, doing nothing; if the Palestinians were blond Christians, the reaction would be another. Human rights, international law....blablabla

13 Aug 2024

Not cool....

..entering the Stadium like an energetic jumping clown

..losing the race to an opponent....and suddenly you have Covid-19 😓

21 Jul 2024

"Terrorism prevention"....by stupid

..FORBIDDEN, and what could you bring inside..?

"Due to the increased risk of terrorist attacks in Sweden, the police authorities have decided that it is forbidden to bring bags to large events with a large audience. The ban applies to all types of bags and pouches.

What's next ? Shirts, trousers and jackets without pockets ? 

9 Jul 2024

The true face of zionism....

A wounded (by zionist gunshots) man used as a human shield. In the process, he got severe burns from the vehicle heat. By the way, the victim is a native of the West Bank...whilst the aggressors are invaders, occupiers and illegal settlers. How does that sound...?

How long will the world tolerate the cascade of war crimes perpetrated by the zionist ?

1 Jul 2024

Free after 12 years....

 ..the US barking dogs (Sweden and England) are the ones responsible for those stolen years. Sweden started the LIES and England kept lying by proxy. His "crime" was the uncovering of US (war) crimes against civilians.

20 Jun 2024

Boycott the zionist supporters....

..EAN code 729 = israhell.... in the garbage bin !!

26 May 2024

Courageous actors....

.. Mark Ruffalo, not only a great actor 🙏

18 May 2024

Is there any stupid out there who believes Russia will lose this war...?

..one more stupid with hidden agenda

War, more war, and preparation for wars. The only beneficiary of this madness, is the powerful arms industry/business - with all-time high sales (and more business on the horizon). Money that governments could canalize into education, healthcare, development....etc. Of course, there is a hidden agenda behind all this, camouflaged with lies. Just remember one thing: a war between Russia and NATO will conduct humanity to the end with no return. If that is the future you wish for your children....find the stupid in the mirror.

Peaceful solutions....NOW !!

9 May 2024

United with war criminals....

So fast in excluding Russia due to the war against the Ukraine. More like the European Hypocrite Contest....no shame, no dignity in this continent.

6 May 2024

The terrorist state of israhell is now displacing people to nowhere....

..that means totally previously destroyed areas ! How long will the world tolerate war crime after war crime by this pariah state ????

11 Mar 2024

The desperate liars....

..accused Sweden of support for Hamas, after the country restarted financing of UNRWA.

1 Mar 2024

17 Feb 2024

Susan Sarandon....

 ..one of the few courageous artists out there 👊 💗💗

2 Feb 2024

Do you believe in Santa and that the ongoing war in Gaza started on October 7...? think again

Any and every settlement in the occupied West Bank is a violation of international law and the United Nations declaration of human rights. Any and every settlement represent dispossession and theft by the zionist occupiers. There are hundreds of United Nations resolutions against the State of Israel concerning Israel's illegal occupation. Almost every resolution has been consistently violated by Israel. Only in 2023 were there 14 resolutions against the State of Israel...and 7 resolutions for the REST of the world !

source: United Nations

Now take a close look at the number of deaths/injuries between 2008 - 2020. It seems like the zionist occupiers are not the victims in this conflict...

Since the start of 2023, at least 483 Palestinians have been killed and more than 12,769 injured by Israeli forces and settlers in the occupied West Bank....humm, there is no Hamas there ????

As of 30 January 2024, over 28,000 people (26,637 Palestinian and 1,410 Israeli) have been killed in the Israel–Hamas war, including 85 journalists (78 Palestinian, 4 Israeli and 3 Lebanese) and over 136 UNRWA aid workers.

Now...if you still believe in Santa..... Christmas is just 11 months away.

1 Feb 2024

A spineless hypocrite...

I used to criticize the former head of state of the US. In a way, he was honest by not denying that he was a crook. But....this old puppet-in-charge, at the moment, is much worse. He could stop the ongoing genocide / mass murdering, ethnic cleansing, mass destruction and dispossession of millions. But no ! Freedom, human rights and blablabla, are not applicable to Palestinians. The important matter is how much money his zionist friends will "donate" to his presidential campaign. And to secure those donations, he is proving to the world that he is no more than a spineless old coward with disdain for basic human rights. 

9 Dec 2023

Congratulations....US !

Your veto (vote) for the ongoing genocide (war crimes) in Palestine is based on a total absence of moral and disrespect for basic human rights....and indeed a great demonstration of hypocrisy and madness.

How can the US ever criticize others for....whatever ?

3 Dec 2023

Remember....history will not forget !!

ANY ....war on civilians, is a war by criminal's !!

..and you will be held accountable for this !!

25 Nov 2023

Meanwhile, in South America...

..we have just witnessed the election of another retarded opportunist. What is the message (alarm) democracy is sending ?

19 Nov 2023

Mathematics of the 21th-century....2 is more than 187 !

The UN General Assembly voted in November by a large margin against the United States' economic and trade embargo against Cuba, first imposed in 1960. A total of 187 states voted for the resolution put forward each year against the embargo, with only the US and Israel voting against and Ukraine abstaining.

11 Nov 2023

Ursula von der Liar....

October 2022 (speaking about Russia): "Targeted attacks on civilian infrastructure with the clear aim of cutting off men, women and children of water, electricity and heating. With winter coming, these are acts of pure terror."

October 2023: "Israel has the right to defend itself" 

 (EU double standards as usual) 

9 Nov 2023

Electric waste....

Tesla refuses to follow the contract rules of the Swedish labour market between trade unions and corporations. This is Europe. If you don´t like the rules....you can always cross the Atlantic back to corporate paradise.

26 Oct 2023

Incarcerated for years by the High Court lackeys....

His "crime" was to practice journalism and the uncovering of war crimes. And where is the support from all his colleagues around the world ?

13 Oct 2023

If you want the truth about the conflict in Palestine....

Gabor Maté is a Jewish survivor from the holocaust.

This video disappeared from YouTube after a few days. Not surprised....the truth is often inconvenient for those who believe they have exclusive rights to the narrative.

However....here he is again. "The important thing is not what we knew, but what we should have known." 

1 Oct 2023

12 Jul 2023

The never ending and arrogant demands....

..give the Ukraine this, send the Ukraine that. We want this, we expect that, we are disappointed, we expect more.....and blablabla. To quote the British defence secretary: "we are not Amazon". Some more gratitude and humility, Mr. Comedian. 

Meanwhile, Europe is still painting itself into a corner 😡 

5 Jul 2023

The cave-president....

This caveman is the current president of Uganda. Among his top priorities we can find the persecution of homosexuals. 

31 Jan 2023

24 Jan 2023

The ridiculous erdo-dictator....

The dictator erdo-blablabla endless demands and blackmail of Sweden in order to strangulate the right to free speech in a democracy. NATO doesn't need enemies....with allies like that.

7 Dec 2022

The old trick is on....

Start an external conflict....and you will make people forget their daily misery.

29 Nov 2022