1 Feb 2024

A spineless hypocrite...

I used to criticize the former head of state of the US. In a way, he was honest by not denying that he was a crook. But....this old puppet-in-charge, at the moment, is much worse. He could stop the ongoing genocide / mass murdering, ethnic cleansing, mass destruction and dispossession of millions. But no ! Freedom, human rights and blablabla, are not applicable to Palestinians. The important matter is how much money his zionist friends will "donate" to his presidential campaign. And to secure those donations, he is proving to the world that he is no more than a spineless old coward with disdain for basic human rights. 

9 Dec 2023

Congratulations....US !

Your veto (vote) for the ongoing genocide (war crimes) in Palestine is based on a total absence of moral and disrespect for basic human rights....and indeed a great demonstration of hypocrisy and madness.

How can the US ever criticize others for....whatever ?

3 Dec 2023

Remember....history will not forget !!

ANY ....war on civilians, is a war by criminal's !!

..and you will be held accountable for this !!

25 Nov 2023

Meanwhile, in South America...

..we have just witnessed the election of another retarded opportunist. What is the message (alarm) democracy is sending ?

19 Nov 2023

Mathematics of the 21th-century....2 is more than 187 !

The UN General Assembly voted in November by a large margin against the United States' economic and trade embargo against Cuba, first imposed in 1960. A total of 187 states voted for the resolution put forward each year against the embargo, with only the US and Israel voting against and Ukraine abstaining.

11 Nov 2023

Ursula von der Liar....

October 2022 (speaking about Russia): "Targeted attacks on civilian infrastructure with the clear aim of cutting off men, women and children of water, electricity and heating. With winter coming, these are acts of pure terror."

October 2023: "Israel has the right to defend itself" 

 (EU double standards as usual) 

9 Nov 2023

Electric waste....

Tesla refuses to follow the contract rules of the Swedish labour market between trade unions and corporations. This is Europe. If you don´t like the rules....you can always cross the Atlantic back to corporate paradise.

26 Oct 2023

Incarcerated for years by the High Court lackeys....

His "crime" was to practice journalism and the uncovering of war crimes. And where is the support from all his colleagues around the world ?

13 Oct 2023

If you want the truth about the conflict in Palestine....

Gabor Maté is a Jewish survivor from the holocaust.

This video disappeared from YouTube after a few days. Not surprised....the truth is often inconvenient for those who believe they have exclusive rights to the narrative.

However....here he is again. "The important thing is not what we knew, but what we should have known." 

1 Oct 2023

12 Jul 2023

The never ending and arrogant demands....

..give the Ukraine this, send the Ukraine that. We want this, we expect that, we are disappointed, we expect more.....and blablabla. To quote the British defence secretary: "we are not Amazon". Some more gratitude and humility, Mr. Comedian. 

Meanwhile, Europe is still painting itself into a corner 😡 

5 Jul 2023

The cave-president....

This caveman is the current president of Uganda. Among his top priorities we can find the persecution of homosexuals. 

31 Jan 2023

24 Jan 2023

The ridiculous erdo-dictator....

The dictator erdo-blablabla endless demands and blackmail of Sweden in order to strangulate the right to free speech in a democracy. NATO doesn't need enemies....with allies like that.

7 Dec 2022

The old trick is on....

Start an external conflict....and you will make people forget their daily misery.

29 Nov 2022

20 Nov 2022

65 would be far too many....6 500 is outrageous and a shame for world football !!!!

..an example of the conditions that Qatar offers their guest workers

A Guardian report from February 2021, citing records from national embassies, claimed that more than 6,500 workers from India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka had died in Qatar by the time of its report, since the Gulf nation was awarded the World Cup hosting rights in 2010.

Qatar is no more than a shame for humanity, a deep racist state with contempt for human rights.

19 Oct 2022

How can anyone....

..vote for crooks, liars, cowards and people who are completely spineless ??

10 Oct 2022

"Ayatollah blablabla said "riots" had been "engineered" by Iran's arch-enemies and their allies"....wow !!!!

..and the world has an obligation to help the women of Iran kick the ayatollahs and their supporting puppets back to the stone age where they belong.

21 Sept 2022

The avalanche....

..and hopefully payback time 💪

13 Sept 2022

The spectacle....

..the parody, the hypocrisy, the servility, the never ending privileges, the opium for the people, the collective brainwash and the gigantic waste of money.

16 Jun 2022

FIghting stupidity....

 ..it`s the daily reality for women in Afghanistan.

29 May 2022

The final 5 K....

 Eugene, Hayward Field, May 29, 1975

Frank Shorter and Steve Prefontaine making an attempt to break the American record in the distance. Both runners had a huge influence on the emerging running boom of the 1970`s (and that never faded away !). They were at the time at the forefront of fighting to change the amateur rules that prevented top-class athletes from making a decent living out of their sports. Prefontaine embodied the true joy of running and, on the track, he was a completely fearless athlete. A few hours later, his life came to an end in a car accident. This was his last sunset.... 

15 May 2022


..the US supreme court is about to invent a time machine....unfortunately it just goes back in time.

15 Mar 2022


..Marina Ovsiannikova

1 Mar 2022

Terrorising neighbours....

..and threatening with nuclear arms. Haag is waiting for you....or maybe even some mental institution.

22 Feb 2022

US gunmaker unveils semi-automatic rifle marketed to kids....

“also looks, feels, and operates just like Mom and Dad’s gun.” 

So happy children with all the guns.... 
Ohhh yeahh !

Switzer-land of money laundering....

..always (and proudly) in the service of crime, theft and corruption

12 Jan 2022

More from confused Göteborg....

 ..probably by Mr. blind architect

7 Jan 2022

It´s very simple mr. tennis player....

If a country demands a vaccine to enter their territory - and you don`t have one.... just PISS OFF  !!

18 Dec 2021


The authorities recommend face masks on public transportation....but do as you please !

10 Dec 2021

26 Nov 2021

The best speech of the year....

Greta`s blablabla....

18 Nov 2021

BK Häcken - SL Benfica....1-2

Champions League, Bravida Arena, November, 17

And top female football is turning into high quality entertainment....

9 Nov 2021

Too many....

.. confuse kindness with weakness !

21 Jul 2021

Swedish toxic waste poisons Chilean community for 30 years....

The Swedish mining company Boliden "dumped" toxic waste containing arsenic, mercury, and lead in the Chilean town of Arica in the mid 1980`s. It became over the years the local children's playground ....with long-term catastrophic health consequences. The company was sued by a large group of Chileans who lost their claim. The Swedish court dismissed the case. Boliden lawyers got millions, crooked "experts" got some more millions, and the poisoned people of Arica....got nothing. Swedish justice is a game for the rich and powerful.

Read the rest here

9 Jul 2021

10 Jun 2021


..Alcindo Monteiro, 27 years old

..cowardly murdered by a bunch of fascists in the streets of Lisbon, June 10, 1995. 

17 May 2021

EuroVolley qualifiers 2021....

Seleção Portuguesa de Voleibol Feminino, photo: CEV