21 million Covid vaccines from the EU to Britain....ZERO (!) from Britain to the EU ??
1 Apr 2021
26 Dec 2020
22 Dec 2020
This is not hunting.....
Around 540 animals where shot in a short period of time and in a small area (Azambuja, Portugal). It seems that they are not even interested in taking care of all that meat !? This is pure amusement for sick minds. A criminal investigation is ongoing and my best wishes that those who committed this crime get some time behind bars.
16 Dec 2020
4 Dec 2020
1 Dec 2020
9 Nov 2020
4 Nov 2020
20 Oct 2020
Sweden bans Huawei....
"Telecoms regulator PTS said here Tuesday's decision, ahead of a spectrum auction due next month, followed advice from the country's armed forces and security service, which described China as "one of the biggest threats against Sweden"."....in Reuters, October, 20.
8 Oct 2020
29 Sept 2020
9 Sept 2020
16 Jul 2020
Was Florence Griffith-Joyner’s 100-meter world record wind assisted...?
The Omega wind gauge (stationary tube) registered 0.0 wind during the race
Anyway....technically, Flo-Jo is still the best sprinter of all time, and that includes both male and female athletes. Her running during that year of 1988 is no less than close to perfection.
Track & Field,
World Record
15 Jul 2020
18 Jun 2020
After an extraordinary (and long) effort from a nation to restrain Covid 19....
..this is what stupid football fans (Napoli) can achieve in a few hours. All the nurses and doctors who sacrificed their lives to fight the pandemic….
11 Jun 2020
28 May 2020
Environmental hypocrites....
Göteborg "green city" converting a grass field where children used to play fotball....into a parking lot...?
20 May 2020
14 May 2020
11 May 2020
16 Apr 2020
1 Apr 2020
Crook`s with immunity....
..the former king of Spain
Not only were they born with all the privileges...."donations" (bribes) of millions of euros, are extra welcome. Immunity ? How to frame that in the concept of democracy ?
31 Jan 2020
20 Jan 2020
The biggest problem with Africa (and is starting to get old)....
..is the elected (or unelected) bandits and thieves, whose priority is to steal from the people of their countries. Here the former president of Angola (a Marxist !?), and his always smiling (she has a reason) daughter....the "richest woman in Africa".
19 Jan 2020
18 Jan 2020
Alarm clock....
Mining money....
..the contribution to micro local economy by international chains is rather limited. Their main purpose is to dig money in a location....and move it elsewhere.
15 Jan 2020
The regime of Iran....
..mainly consisting of hypocrites, liars and incompetent, have now sent those who filmed the attack on the civilian Ukrainian airplane to prison. Punishing people who come out with the truth (a crime against national security) is a top priority.
13 Jan 2020
San Francisco, city of (no) shame....
..a common sight in the streets of SF
US most expensive city (one out of 11 000 inhabitants in SF is a billionaire). Common working people can not afford to live there anymore due to property prices, rental cost (3000 dollars/monthly for one bedroom apartment), private tourist accommodation...and so on. One of the results of such a "wealthy" city is 10 000 homeless people living in the streets due to drug-related problems, mental health problems, unemployment (or miserable salaries), and poverty. Massive cutbacks to mental health and public housing development as a result of neoliberal carcinoma, pushed the situation to a breaking point out of control. Because what you see in the streets of San Francisco, a few blocks away from the most expensive hotels, is no longer what we in Europe call poverty. What goes on in SF is a profound dehumanization of the most vulnerable.
6 Jan 2020
25 Dec 2019
20 Dec 2019
..on the other side of the North Atlantic a kangaroo court is about to take place....more like "democracy" as entertainment for stupids.
Gangster Sweden....
After decades of immigration mainly by refugees from conflict zones, the Swedish authorities never understood that it is rather impossible for a second generation to accept the fate of being second class citizens. Residential areas with mainly immigrant residents, no jobs, dependence on the welfare system, and subsequent poverty - acting has a slow time bomb. The fruits of such a policy are now to be harvested in the shape of hard criminality. Was the result of the equation that difficult to predict...?
11 Dec 2019
Fashion...really ?
..or, I'm going to apply for a job in a circus,
but right now I want to buy a proper nose for the job.
3 Dec 2019
2 Dec 2019
..not so long ago the coffee shops were places for socializing
..maybe socializing with those who are not there ?
20 Nov 2019
25 Aug 2019
5 Aug 2019
27 Jun 2019
The hypocrites....
..the Berlin Wall was considered a hindrance to freedom and human rights.
..and is this one considered what ?
10 Jun 2019
29 May 2019
Boris is a shameless liar....
“there will seldom be a more serious misconduct allegation against a member of parliament or mayor than to lie repeatedly to the voting public on a national and international platform, in order to win your desired outcome”.
Read the rest here
21 May 2019
Golden Visas of Europe....
..provides shelter for criminals and possible money laundering / tax evasion. That's a good European double moral....as usual.
11 Apr 2019
World Press Photo 2019....
"Crying Girl on the (US) Border" by John Moore, June 12, 2018
Her mother was searching for a better life.
John Moore,
World Press Photo
10 Apr 2019
G7....No more Nasrins
"As concerned citizens from around the globe, we urge you to call for the release of Nasrin Sotoudeh in Iran, Loujain al-Hathloul in Saudi Arabia, and all other women’s right activists being imprisoned and abused around the world. We call on you to use your economic and diplomatic leverage to free these brave women and send a message to the world that women cannot be abused with impunity."
Sign the petition here:
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