31 Jan 2017

"Posthumously pardoned"....

Oscar Wilde needs no "pardon"

Pardoned for what ? Accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt.
How about an unconditional apology and compensation for those still living ? State arrogance and hypocrisy at its best.

"...I wanted to eat of the fruit of all the trees in the garden of the world... And so, indeed, I went out, and so I lived. My only mistake was that I confined myself so exclusively to the trees of what seemed to me the sun-lit side of the garden, and shunned the other side for its shadow and its gloom."

Divorcing from a bad marriage....

..and dating the devil. Good luck !

26 Jan 2017

The wall....

Tearing down the Berlin Wall was in the 80`s a political top priority for US foreign policy. That was, of course, in the name of "freedom". Building (completing) the wall on the Mexican border thirty years later....is in the name of what ?

25 Jan 2017

Crawling for money....

In order to sell more t-shirts in the Arab countries, Real Madrid removed the Christian cross from their emblem. 

16 Jan 2017

the disguised musketeers....

..will make everything great again !!

Congratulations England...with such friends, who needs enemies ?

11 Jan 2017

The free world....

The farewell address....

The Tenderloin in San Francisco

..was another chapter in the great tradition of bla bla bla !

6 Jan 2017

Rarities of today....

1900, Campo Santa Clara, photo: Machado e Souza

..children playing in the streets of major cities.

500 friends....

..and so alone.

4 Jan 2017

Are you a member...?

..it's the obligatory question whether you buy potatoes, painkillers, or a computer. Everywhere you are supposed to be a "member"....of what ??

2 Jan 2017

Silence please....

The intellectuals are hiding in the shade of privilege. If they expressed their opinion, the system would force them to find a job.